Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's Cookin'?

A simple play kitchen, darling chef hats and some cute aprons were under our Christmas tree. Quinn's been trying his hand at flipping an egg w/o a spatula. The technique: to gently flick the wrist forward and then back towards you in a quick circular motion to roll the egg over.

OK, here goes!


Keep practicing, Mr. Q.
A delecatble omelet is worth all the spills.

And now, a few foodie jokes for laughs;

Q: How do you make soup into gold?
A: Add 24 carrots

Q: What does an astronaut put on his sandwich?
A: Launch meat

Customer asks, "Do you serve crabs here?"
Waiter replies, "Yessir! We'll serve just about anybody."

Q: What's the worst thing about being an octopus?
A: Washing your hands before dinner.

Q: What did one plate say to the other plate?
A: Lunch is on me.
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1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Our play kitchen, play dishes and play food are the most played with toys at our house. Restaurant is a common make believe around here. I'm sure your kids will quickly move onto creme brule after they get the omlet perfected!