Sunday, August 31, 2008

Have a nice trip? See ya next fall!

Max took a tumble.....

Down these stairs.....carrying his 3-wheeled bike.

I was trying my best to gather the children and get to the library before it was time for lunch and we'd have to stop and eat (again!) and then it'd be nap time and quiet time and library time would have gone out the window. So, I was running around the house grabbing one more sippy cup, a snack for me (who remembers to eat breakfast as a wild mom??), some mini-marshmallows for the kids (reminder to go to the grocery store SOON, mini-marshmallows are not going to build the kid's muscles!) when I heard real wailing outside. Max was face down with his bike on top of him. I patted and comforted him and we made it to the library. But his wounds were BRIGHT red and looked really sore. People kept staring (or was it glaring?) at me, their minds working hard to figure out why this sweet little boy has scrapes, bruises and the beginings of a black eye. Poor Max! Poor Mama! I'm getting all the "what did you do to that poor little boy?" looks!

Old Scar Face & Mae, taking a break from breakfast to smile for the camera.

Quinn. Crying over Max's sad, scraped face? A tender, sympathetic brother? Hmmmm. More like, "Not hot cereal, Ma!! I want cereal!!!!". Kix, covered in yogurt. 365 days a year. Forgive me, Q, for trying to expand your horizons. :)

P.S. I've been using Vitamin E moisterizing oil on Max's wounds and they're healing really quickly! I'm always worried that my kids will get scratches somewhere really noticeable (like their face, Max!) and then I'll do nothing and let nature heal itself and a scar will linger and then when my children are older they'll blame me, like how could you just sit there and do nothing while my skin tried to heal itself and left this big, nasty mark on my face??? Thanks a lot, MOM!!! Just one of the many things we moms think about.....

P.P.S. And yes, we comb our hair and wear bows to breakfast. The kids are easier to take care of when they look cute. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Wedded Bliss

A Party! A Celebration! A Wedding!!

I spent the past 4 weeks in UT, enjoying the company of my dear family. My youngest brother, Ty was married in the SLC temple on Friday, August 1st, to an amazing woman, Connie. It was great to be around for a wedding shower (the picture below), and a small celebration in Logan where Ty wowed us on his marimba and played a light, beautiful arrangement of "That's All" on the vibraphone for Connie. The temple sealing created such a tender and optimistic view of marriage, it was amazing to be in attendance. The day ended with a fun outdoor reception that night.
Connie is beautiful inside and out. Here she is holding my niece, Kira.
During our UT stay (Mike made it out to UT for 2 weeks), when weren't partying with Connie & Ty, we visited Mike's parents in Nibley and splashed in the kiddie pool that Carol bought the kids, hung out with Mike's sister Kirsten whom I love dearly, slept at my parents home, jumped on their tramp, stayed up way too late enjoying their company and conversation, chatted with a dear high school friend, Layne, into the almost wee hours of the morning, drove to American Fork to be with my sister, Jess,--so fun for children and adults alike--, stopped in Salt Lake and had lunch with my bosom friend, Sharon and her delightful family, spent a night with my grandparents in Price, ate all the ice cream in their house and hugged a whole lot, and finally, savored a few blissful days at our cabin in central UT. The weeks went by too fast and I find myself, once again, alone and lonely in Minnesota (it's not THAT bad, it just sounded good, typing that out :)
I miss you, my loved ones.
Ty & Connie, you have a rich life ahead of you.
You are both so good and talented.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful wedding experience with me.

To my parents, siblings, in-laws and friends; thank you for making me feel wanted. You treat me and my kids so well, I feel like we could stay 2 years and you'd never tire of us. Well, maybe 2 years might be pushin' it.....
I miss you much while I'm far away.

It was a great month.