Max, Mae and I all have colds so I'm home with them today while Molly conducts in Relief Society. I just put the twins down to sleep and have a few free minutes before catching a nap myself. Quinn has been having a great time in the snow. We've had a few inches each night for the past three nights and Rochester really looks like a winter wonderland. The snow is piled up on our deck and is still lingering in all the trees. As you can see, Quinn is keeping the snow mowed nice and short.

Another favorite thing to do is take his plastic sharks out swimming in the snow. Of course, this also involves dipping them in and licking the snow off.

We're staying warm and dry in our house and managed to put up some Christmas decorations this week. That has seemed like a major accomplishment between our busy schedule at home and my busy schedule at work.
For the past week, I've been working in the newborn nursery at Rochester Methodist Hospital. On my call nights (every fourth night) I attend any high risk deliveries (c-section, premature, etc...) and take care of the newborn baby until they are stable enough to go to the nursery, go with their mom to their room or over the neonatal intensive care unit. It's never dull and I'm glad be at deliveries again. It's been about two years since I was in my OB rotation. Being on hand when these children are born is a precious experience. About never being dull; occasionally I get a page in the middle of the night that a baby has been born and they need the pediatric team there right away. After throwing on my shoes, sprinting down the hall, grabbing our box of resuscitation equipment and sprinting to the OB suite (usually and fortunately, in the few minutes between the call and my arriving, the baby has worked things out and is doing fine), it's a little hard to fall asleep. I usually end up wandering down to the cafeteria (open from 2 to 4 a.m.!) and getting some very early breakfast before being able to fall asleep again. I'm enjoying the month but definetely glad when nights are uneventful.